
AGLAONEMA (Chinese evergreen)

The office plant! The aglaonema’s natural habitat is under the canopy of shady tropical forests in Asia and New Guinea, where it does not receive much light. This makes it perfect for dimly lit office areas! The Chinese were the first to cultivate and use the plant widely. They still believe it to be lucky for those who are able to successfully grow it. It is also commonly referred to as a “Chinese Evergreen.”

LIGHT​: Aglaonema prefers moderate to low light. However, they can tolerate bright light for short periods of time. The darker colored varieties can tolerate lower light than the more colorful varieties. Strong, direct light (even filtered through a window) can cause the leaves to burn.

HUMIDITY​: Aglaonema is not too picky about humidity levels, but will flourish in moderate to high humidity.

WATERING: Allow the plant to partially dry out before watering again. Usually waiting for the tips of the leaves to droop before watering is best.

PROPAGATION:​ ​Division is the most common way to propagate this plant. Find an area in the soil where a portion of the plant is naturally separated from the larger mass of leaves. You can gently pull the plant apart along these natural divisions, or you may use a sharp sterile knife to divide if the roots are heavily tangled.


  • Though known mostly as a foliage plant, aglaonemas to bloom. Most growers pinch the buds off to prevent new leaves from being stunted.
  • Aglaonemas can be sensitive to cold drafts and prefer to be above 65°F.
  • Fertilize once a month during the growing season with a mild fertilizer like fish emulsion or houseplant fertilizer.
  • Only the fruit of the aglaonema are toxic if ingested, but they rarely occur when grown indoors.