

(Flamingo Flower, Tail Flower, Painted-Tongue Plant)

Anthuriums are easy going epiphytes—a type of plant that grows either on other plants or in rich humus in nature—with long lasting, vibrant blooms. They require little care and are usually available in pink, white, red, or purple.

LIGHT: Bright indirect or filtered light is needed for anthuriums to bloom. Too little light can cause the plant to become leggy and to have stunted or small blooms.

HUMIDITY​: Anthuriums will thrive in higher humidity environments, but can tolerate some dryness. Consider using a humidifier or pebble tray to increase the humidity during the drier months.

WATERING​: Allow anthuriums to dry out about 1” down from the top soil before watering again. The leaves will begin to droop when it’s dry. Err on the drier side.

PROPAGATION:Anthuriums can be propagated with stem cuttings either with aerial roots or without. Cut the stem with clean scissors, and plant in moist, well-draining soil. Use rooting hormone if you have it.


  • Use high-phosphorus fertilizer at 1⁄4 strength to encourage new flowers.
  • Remove flower stems at the base of the plant when they begin to fade.
  • Anthuriums need a resting period between blooms cycles. During the winter, allow your anthurium to rest with little water for about 6 weeks.
  • Anthuriums sometimes grow visible aerial roots on the stems. They benefit from occasional misting, or can be removed without harming the plant.
  • Anthuriums prefer a warm environment, but are very adaptable to household temperatures. Temperatures kept below 50°F can stunt growth.