January: Gardening To-Do List

- It’s a great time to make sure all lawn equipment and gardening tools are sharpened and in good condition as spring is around the corner.
- Replace worn or broken parts on your irrigation system and make surit is winterized. If you need help, contact Spring Rain Sprinkler Company at 405 288-0048.
- Check protected beds, raised planters, as well as under eaves for moisture levels.
- Mulch all beds including those around trees to help with moisture retention. Mulch keeps the areas from freezing as deep.
- Watering your lawn, trees and shrubs is recommended anytime precipitation has been minimal, especially for your broadleaf and narrowleaf evergreens.
- If soil is dry, irrigate all plantings, especially broadleaf evergreens and conifers, at least 24 hours before hard-freezing weather.
- Remove leaves from cool-season grasses or mow with a mulching lawn mower.
- Don’t forget about the birds! We have seed that will make them really happy through the winter months.

- Pre-emerge with Hi-Yield Turf & Ornamental Weed and Grass Stopper, ferti-lome For All Seasons II or ferti-lome Broadleaf Weed Control with Gallery to turf areas through mid-March to prevent summer weeds such as crabgrass from germinating.
- Post emerge to help control winter weeds. Apply Hi-Yield Killzall. as well as ferti-lome Weed Free Zone on dormant bermuda when temperatures are above 50 degrees. Image Nutsedge will kill any Poa annua that could be present now.
- Continue mowing cool-season lawns on a regular basis or when grass is 3-4” tall. Do not cut off more than a third on each mowing.

- Plant your container and Ball and Burlap (B &B) trees.
- Continue planting spring flowering bulbs. See Bulb Planting Guidelines for details.

- When Oklahoma temps are over 40 degrees, apply our Hi-Yield Dormant Oil Spray to your deciduous trees and shrubs to control overwintering insects. NEVER use dormant oil sprays on evergreen trees or shrubs.
- November through February are the recommended months to apply ferti-lome Tree & Shrub Systemic Insect Drench to your young pines for tip borers.

- Average rainfall in January is 1.28 inches.
- Applying one to two inches of mulch will insulate and hold moisture for all trees and shrubs.
Note: Thanks to Oklahoma Coop Extension Service for providing some of the suggested maintenance guidelines.
For questions regarding January maintenance guidelines, please call Goldsby 405 288-2368, Oklahoma City 405 691-9100, Norman 405 447-3100 or Ardmore 580 223-1846.
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