Armyworms are light brown to dark tan, mostly hair- less caterpillars (moth larvae) with yellow or brown stripes that run the length of their 11⁄2 to 2–inch long bodies. They are formidable feeders, especially on lawns and young vegetable seedlings. As their name suggests, they will decimate one area, then move in mass to another area in search of additional food.



Armyworms are found throughout the Southwest, Southeast and Northeast regions of the United States. While the “spring” armyworm is most damaging in spring and early summer, the “fall” armyworm does the most damage in late summer and declares war on Oklahoma until the first frost of winter. The infestation begins in late June as adult moths bring arrive from the south. Upon their landing, adult females lay masses of eggs. They can lay up to 1,000 eggs at a time. Larvae hatch out early July and will feed underground for two to three weeks before digging into the soil to pupate. The new generation of moths will emerge about two weeks later. This reproductive cycle will continue through October allowing several generations of armyworms to populate the region.
To detect armyworms, examine plants at night with a flashlight or douse lawn with soapy water, which will bring pests to the surface. Armyworms mainly migrate to a food source in the cool of night, so they can be hard to detect until they begin to inflict damage by eating leaves.
Marcum’s Nursery carries several options for armyworm treatment.

Hi-Yield® Kill-A-Bug II
A granular permethrin with contact and 4 week residual control
10lb treats 5,000 sf
20lb treats 10,000 sf

Hi-Yield® Bug Blaster II
A granular bifenthrin
23lb bag treats 20,000 sf

Natural Guard® Spinosad RTS
Organic option

ferti-lome® Broad Spectrum Insecticide
Liquid bifenthrin

Zeta Cypermethrin

Bayer BioAdvance 3-in-1 Insect, Disease, & Mite Control

Hi-Yield® 38 Plus
Liquid Permethrin
Cost effective for large acreages

Natural Guard® Spinosad
Organic option

Monterey B.t.
Organic option

ferti-lome® Broad Spectrum Insecticide
Liquid bifenthrin

Sevin Zeta

Bayer BioAdvance 3-in-1 Insect, Disease, & Mite Control
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