What a Wonderful World
Here at Marcum’s every day is Earth Day. So, we’re always striving to make Mother Earth proud! Here are 5 ways to make your green space even greener:

The big advantage of using biodegradable pots is that you’re reducing your plastic use right away. It’s an easy way to go more green with your gardening. They can also increase your transplanting success rate, because your seedlings will get less stressed when you move them into the garden.
Don’t miss out on these fragrant beauties currently avalaible in biodegradable pots at a Marcum’s Nursery near you.


Make your piece of the planet a healthier place to live by using Natural Guard products. Natural Guard by ferti•lome is dedicated to making products that allow all homeowners to feel good about their lawn and garden choices. All Natural Guard fertilizers are OMRI LISTED FOR ORGANIC USE and safe to use around family and pets.

Know the “good guys” from the bad in your garden is crucial in helping Mother Nature along in producing the best results for landscape. Whether you purchase some garden friends such as ladybugs and earth worms or are attracting benefital insects naturally to your outdoor space…
Planning a garden that doesn’t require heavy water usage is easy, as long as you have some basic tools and materials. Start planning your water-saving garden with options like:
- Soaker hose: Slowly drips water at a low pressure, keeping plants, shrubs and trees evenly watered.
- Rain barrel: In dryer climates, a rain barrel is a must-have gardening staple. These effective water storage systems capture and store rainwater from your roof that would otherwise be wasted due to runoff. Â
- Tree watering bag: For newly planted trees, a tree watering bag is a reliable watering system that can reduce your water usage. These durable bags wrap around your tree and slowly disperse water to the roots over a watering time of five to nine hours. Simply fill the bag with water, and it’s ready to use.Â
- Use water-retaining crystals or gel to retain water in containers so you don’t have to water them so often.

As we all are are aware, trees are a crucial player in oxygen production and living organisms’ survival. But it’s time to give trees additional props for all the shade they provide as well. Planting 2-3 shade trees around your home can naturally help cool things off. Less use of the AC, more financial savings, and most importantly – Mother Earth Approved!

While we are huge advocates of “the more trees the merrier” we don’t reccomend just any variety for planting directly near your home.

If you have a little yard, we would say ornamental trees make a perfect choice. These types of trees are ideal insects and birds and sometimes can come with a gift in the form of fruit you can eat. Â

If you are looking for a way to protect yourself from curious neighbors that confer trees are the best option for you. They are named conifers because of the cones they bear. They can also provide you with some shade.Â
Trees In Full Bloom
Marcum’s Nursery has a spectacular selection of flowering trees in stock – crabapples, redbuds, dogwoods and flowering cherries, to name a few. For the PIY (plant-it-yourself) gardener, we offer an abundant selection of flowering trees in containers. Or, if you’re in the market for an established blooming specimen, we have quite the selection! Come and get lost in our large caliper tree fields and discover several species of balled-and-burlapped (B&B) flowering trees. These blooming giants add magnificent curb appeal at your home. And better yet (with trees of such size) why not let Marcum’s do the digging for you? Whether you plant it yourself or have us do the digging, add a spring flowering tree to your landscape this year and enjoy beautiful blooms for years to come!
Check out some of our favorite spring flowering selections below!

Crabapple trees are a stunning ornamental flowering tree, and their abundant blooms are one of the hallmarks of spring. To choose the best crabapple for your landscape, consider the bloom color and mature size of the tree you desire for your space. Here is a sampling of varieties currently in stock at Marcum’s Nursery:
Redbuds make an outstanding statement in the landscape as their vibrant blooms burst forth with color in early spring. Oklahoma adopted the Eastern Redbud (Cercis canadensis) as the state tree in 1937, but there are many varieties of redbuds to consider adding to your garden. Here are a few of the several varieties you can find now at Marcum’s Nursery: Â
Dogwoods make a spectacular spring show! In Oklahoma, they require protection from the hot afternoon sun, so their beautiful flowers are best suited to brighten up a corner of the garden with afternoon shade or provide pops of color as an understory tree. Here are a few of the dogwoods you can pick up at Marcum’s Nursery now:
Flowering cherries are among the showiest trees you can add to your garden! Plant them in a spot with plenty of sun to get maximum blooms while also attempting to plant them in a spot that allows you to admire them from inside your home….you’re not going to be able to get enough of these gorgeous blooms! Come check out some of our lovely flowering cherries before they’re gone:
NASA Approved Plants to Purify Air in Your Home
Before investing in an expensive air purifier, we figured we’d try out a few houseplants first — they’re much cheaper— and look a lot nicer.Â
According to NASA’s Clean Air Study, which was designed to find ways to clean the air in sealed space stations, plants can be effective to absorb carbon dioxide, release oxygen into the air, and remove pollutants like benzene, formaldehyde, and trichloroethylene. These chemicals can cause irritation to the skin, ears, eyes, nose, and throat, as well as some cancers, according to the EPA.
The study suggests that at least one plant per 100 square feet can effectively clean the air, so fill your space with these eight detoxifying plants, handpicked by NASA, to purify the air in your home.

Snake Plant otherwise known as the Mother-In-Law’s Tongue is unique for its nighttime oxygen production, and ability to purify air through the removal of benzene, formaldehyde, trichloroethylene, xylene, and toluene.
If you’re somebody that loves flowers in the house, this is a great option for you. A peace lily produces fragrant flowers all summer long, and effectively removes ammonia, formaldehyde, trichlorobenzene, and benzene from the air. It grows best in shady areas and with the soil kept moist. Be careful though, as this plant can be toxic if eaten by children or pets.


This plant is great at cleansing any benzene, formaldehyde, xylene, and toluene from the air as well as reducing any mold. The care for this plant is quite simple. It only takes three easy steps. First, be sure to keep it at a constant temperature, second allow it to receive plenty of direct sunlight, and lastly water often with well-drained soil.
This fast-growing houseplant looks majestic and is safe for children and pets. It will add moisture to the air in the dry winter months and it thrives in indirect sunlight away from any cold drafts. Take care of it by keeping the soil moist and misting its leaves.


This drought-tolerant plant is good for beginners. It thrives in light. Wipe the underside of the leaves regularly with a damp cloth to make sure it can properly filter your air. Place it in a semi-shaded area and mist the soil with room-temperature water, rather than drenching.
Featured by NASA, the Money Plant is renowned for its ability to remove chemicals and other pollutants from the air, specifically benzene, formaldehyde, xylene, and toluene. However, despite the benefit of its high purification rate, this plant is toxic to cats, dogs, and small children if its leaves are ingested.


The Chinese Evergreen is one of the most common household plants and for good reason. This plant emits a high oxygen content while purifying indoor spaces of harmful chemicals such as benzene, formaldehyde and other toxins. As its name suggests, it is quite popular in China specifically for its high efficiency in removing harmful pollutants from the air.
For those of you who are houseplant newbies, the resilient spider plant is a perfect choice. It will quietly battle toxins including carbon monoxide and xylene, a solvent used in the printing and rubber industries. If you have pets, this is one of the few houseplants that are non-toxic to animals.