ferti-lome® Copper Fungicide

16 oz
ferti-lome® Copper Fungicide
OMRI® listed product.
Used to control a wide range of listed plant diseases: Needle Blight, Blackspot, Anthracnose, Leaf and Fruit Spot, Cedar Apple Rust, Powdery Mildew, Early and Late Blight on Tomatoes, and Peach Leaf Curl.
Formerly Natural Guard® by ferti-lome® Copper Soap Fungicide
Unsure which fungicide to use?
Let ferti-lome® help! Read the Fungicide 101 guide to decide which fungicide is best for your situation.
Also available in these sizes and options:

Copper Fungicide RTS

Copper Fungicide RTU

Copper Soap Fungicide – Former Label

Copper Soap Fungicide RTU – Former Label
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