Hydrangea Pruning Guide
Hydrangea macrophylla

Avoid pruning except to remove old blooms and dead stems in early spring. Soil pH can influence flower color from red to pink in alkaline soils and from purple to blue in acidic soils. Some series of bigleaf hydrangeas feature repeat blooms.
Hydrangea serrata

Avoid pruning except to remove old blooms and dead stems in early spring. Soil pH can influence flower color from red to pink in alkaline soils and from purple to blue in acidic soils. Mountain hydrangeas bloom throughout summer.
Hydrangea arborescens

Cut back by up to a half in early spring to remove old flowers and encourage new growth. Smooth hydrangeas are also often called ‘Annabelle’ hydrangeas.
Hydrangea paniculata

Cut back by up to a half in early spring to remove old flowers and encourage new growth. These are great hydrangeas for beginners as they are tough, reliable and produce dozens of big showy flowers on strong sturdy stems.
Hydrangea quercifolia

Avoid pruning except to remove old blooms and dead stems in early spring. This type of hydrangea features oak-shaped leaves, blooms are typically white and age to pink, and they have beautiful, burgundy fall foliage.
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