Insect Issues


When unwelcome critters crash your garden party you can identify they are there one of two ways. You spot the damage they cause, or you see them in action for yourselves. So how do you get rid of these pests? Let’s talk about your options.

1) Start at the foundation with healthy soil. The healthier your soil, the more nutrients your plants will have to be healthy enough to withstand insect attacks.

2) Remember that not all insects are created equally. While some insects wreak havoc on your plants, others are vital in maintaining the health of your garden. The key is to be able to spot the difference. Here is a helpful guide that outlines which insects are your friends and which ones to terminate.

3) Keep an eye on your plants. Check the underside of leaves for mold, take note of any color changes to the leaves, and keep a close eye out for any unwelcome critters. By monitoring your plants regularly you will quickly catch any intruders and rid yourself of the problem before it snowballs.

4) Once you have a pest problem and you will want to take action, luckily before you even have to think about chemical means of pest control you have other options.

  • Water pressure spray: You will have to do this regularly to dislodge insects that are congregating at the base of your plants. Be sure to only use this method on sturdy plants and allow adequate time for them to dry between sprays. The last thing you want is to rid yourself of an insect problem only to find yourself with some downy mildew.
  • Insect vacuums: Vacuum away all of your unwelcome visitors with this hands-on method.
  • Diatomaceous earth: This powder can be sprinkled on plants to kill both good insects and bad. It is safe for human and animal consumption but it is recommended that you do not breath it in, so use a mask while sprinkling it on the plants.
  • Organic pesticide: As a last resort you may have to turn to chemical means of pest control. Use chemicals that are USDA approved and start with the least toxic and most specific pesticide first.